Finland’s exports and imports travel by sea

Finland’s exports and imports travel by sea

Foreign trade is an important part of Finland’s economic wellbeing. Almost all freight is transported by sea: our largest trading partners – Germany, Sweden and Russia – are all accessible on the shipping routes. As much as 90 percent of Finnish exports, and a huge 80 percent of imports are transported by ocean freight.

The Finnish merchant navy is a major employer. Over 7000 people are employed in Finnish-owned companies in the maritime transport field, and over 4000 in maritime passenger carrier businesses. As part of shipping, the maritime cluster employs as many as 50 000 people.

at a harbour parking lot.
Photo: Pekka Lehmuskallio

ISTLAB in-brief

The aim of the project is to create a smart joint-use Intelligent Shipping Technology test Laboratory (ISTLAB), which will merge and consolidate the navigation simulator of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s bathymetric model of the Rauma deep-water fairway, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s smart buoy and sea current monitoring, the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute’s navigation system research and the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s survey of wave, sea level and ice conditions. The technology group Wärtsilä has delivered a navigation simulator and specific mathematical models.


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