
Istlab blog offers relevant information about our project.

By wpadmin / 9.12.2021

Marine weather services needed to support the automation of maritime traffic

Written by Laura Tuomi, Head of Group, Operational Oceanography, Finnish Meteorological Institute

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By wpadmin / 18.5.2021

Good situation awareness – the cornerstone of remote pilotage

Written by Sauli Ahvenjärvi. Situation awareness is critical to shipping safety, it is an also an essential element in remote...

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By wpadmin / 16.2.2021

A glance towards the digital twin

Written by Rauma Marine Constructions. Simulations have long been used, in different forms, to improve efficiency in shipbuilding. Every problem...

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By wpadmin / 16.11.2020

Future fairways through collaboration

Written by Wärtsilä. Collaboration is a word that is repeated continuously in discussions about the development of shipping. The different...

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