Piloting almost half a million nautical miles

Piloting almost half a million nautical miles

Finnpilot Pilotage Ltd is a Finnish state-owned special assignment company, which has the exclusive statutory right to carry out pilotage activities in Finland.

Text: Tytti Wallenius, Kumppania  |  Photo: Pekka Lehmuskallio

Pilot boat in the seas.

In 2019 Finnpilot Pilotage Ltd carried out 25 123 pilotage activities, amounting to 471 298 nautical miles. The number of offshore pilotage activities carried out rose in the same year by just less than one per cent, which is in part thanks to the construction phase of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline: 1100 pipelaying vessels were piloted off the coasts of Hanko and Kotka, in addition to other pilotage activities.

ISTLAB in-brief

The aim of the project is to create a smart joint-use Intelligent Shipping Technology test Laboratory (ISTLAB), which will merge and consolidate the navigation simulator of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency’s bathymetric model of the Rauma deep-water fairway, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s smart buoy and sea current monitoring, the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute’s navigation system research and the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s survey of wave, sea level and ice conditions. The technology group Wärtsilä has delivered a navigation simulator and specific mathematical models.


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